The Farmer's Almanac predicts: Snowfall will be above normal in the east and below normal in the west, with the snowiest periods in late January and early to mid-February.
AccuWeather says nearly the same thing: "La Niña will bring its full impacts to the U.S. throughout the winter season...In the East, snowfall is expected to be around normal. La Niña could lead to some big East Coast systems during the second half of the season.
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This happens every year! That first big snow and the calls start flooding our office - we need to be plowed out! Our clients are already being taken care of. Our trucks are busy! We can't say when it will happen, but we know it will happen. Most of our contracts for snow removal are well written well before the season hits. If you're not one of our customers you could literally be left out in the cold.
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When a wintry mix hits your property, the bad weather can mean lost customers, late employees and irate residents. It can even result in slip-and-fall accidents, property damage and costly lawsuits. When you need to deal with snow and ice, look for these traits in an Ohio commercial snow removal service.
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Ohio winters can be brutal, but life can’t always come to a grinding halt simply because of a storm. Groundskeeper Landscape Group offers a wide variety of winter services for businesses, churches and other organizations. Fast snow removal of your parking lot, sidewalks and walkways is key to keeping your business open and your employees and clients safe.
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Salting the number one way of preventing injuries associated with parking lot accidents, falls and slipping to and from your place of business. It let's your clients and your employees know that you care and can save you money associated with work related accidents, lost time and even law suits.
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